Friday, November 7, 2008

Humbling Readings

My husband and I still can't seem to come to an agreement on discipline.  I read a very disturbing article however that was all about tantrums.  
Basically it linked the uptight parent and their hurried agenda to the biggest cause of tantrums.  Natch. That's me.  I know that.  Usually, it's me who is being uptight.  I have all of these goals like getting the kids into bed by 8 or getting them off to school by 8, and mostly I just get uptight when the clock is ticking and we have more and more time outs.
The articles said something like, get a hold of your emotions before you start handling your children.  I just don't know how to stop.  No one is standing there judging me about what time my children go to bed or get to school, just me.  Well, the guard at school gives us a hard time for bringing the kids late, but my take on this is that they get more than my post-tax salary for taking care of my children so I don't really care what they think. 
 It's all of my self-imposed limitations that make me uptight about school and bedtime.  I know all about finding your limitations and superceding them from yoga practice.  I just can't seem to apply it to parenting.
This afternoon my husband and I were fighting and Iri had us both put out our hands so that she could draw smiley faces on them.  We weren't wearing smiley faces, so she tried to draw them on us.  We were so busy fighting that her small gesture was lost on us.  We've been fighting about everything under the sun.  What a surprise that she had several meltdowns throughout the day.  Wouldn't it be brilliant when we are having a disagreement if we could just put our arms around each other and say, here, let me draw a smiley face on you and it would all be better.  Maybe change does come in small gestures.

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